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This is Yet Another DIY Eductor - aka YADE.


  • the eductor nozzle widens from 3/4" to 1", helping to spread the outgoing flow.
  • ABS free (for people who care about that)

Parts List


Eductor Nozzle

PVC glue the 3/4" CPVC to PVC adapter into the 1 1/4" to 1" PVC bushing, as shown. This will be the eduction nozzle.

Intake Nozzle

Screw in the 3/4" Barb to 3/4" MIP nylon adapter into the 1" Slip to 3/4" MIP PVC adapter. This will be the inductor nozzle.

Mixing Barrell

Press-fit the 1 1/4" Slip Coupling into the 3/4" slip to 1 1/4" slip bushing, as shown. This is the mixing barrel.

Intake Slots

Set the intake nozzle, the eductor nozzle, and the mixing barrel next to each other as show. The purple Q-Tip in the picture shows the maximum height of the intake slots.

Cut the slots as show. A radial arm saw is ideal, but a hacksaw will work in a pinch.

Final Assembly

Press-fit all 3 components together.

Note that I cut this prototype's slots too high. If you do this, just fill in that area with aquarium silicone.